Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Hello everyone, I hope you're all well! As you may be aware I love my skin care products, in particular products that offer a different angle on your average skin care routine. The product I'm talking about today is the No7 Beautiful Skin Deep Pore Purifier. This item first caught my eye whilst I was having a browse on the boots website and it ended joining my product family as a birthday gift! You can read the blog post on what I got for my birthday here! So I've been using the pore purifier for a few weeks now, so lets see how I got on.

As you can see from the picture below this isn't your average looking beauty product, its a product gadget thingymebob! It has a main tube filled with a cleansing gel and a tip witch has the round scrubby thing on! I've been behaving and following all the instructions, not that there is a lot to follow. You turn the top to the on position, squeeze out a pea sized amount of cleanser then turn the top bit to the off position. You then work the cleanser into a damp t zone using the circular scrub thing (i have no idea what you would actually call it?) then you rinse off the cleanser with water.

 This product leaves your skin squeaky clean and shine free, I love it! And yes it does dissolve those nasty clogs that hang around in pores! It doesn't get rid off all clogs at once but after 3 uses my skin was 99% clog free. I find it good value too as you only need to use this product 2 to 3 times a week to keep up the results. This product is now a welcome addition to my facial skin care routine, its just fab! So if your feeling a little clogged up in the t zone area get yourself down to boots. This T zone tackler will set you back £12 but if you ask me its worth it for the shine busting, clog clouting and pore purging goodness! Thanks for reading guys and gals, I will blog to you all soon!

Ian x


  1. do you recommend it for mixed sensitive skin ?

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