First up is the Frown Fix Instant Line Filler. I've had my eye on this product for quite a while after seeing all the hype about it online but I always spend ages pondering over this product whilst in boots. I find it hard to believe the idea that a little pen filled with magic lotion can save me from the Grand Canyon that is my fore head! This product as I say is in the form of a pen with a little brush on the end for direct application, good idea as it stops me from wasting ten gallons of product! Now getting real about the wrinkle situation on my fore head, no lotion or potion will get rid of the creases nor would I want it to as I'm not into the whole motionless fake face thing! I'm keeping it real! However I did notice that this product smoothed the lines out and made them a bit less noticeable witch is all I can ask really! I'm going to try it round my eyes and number elevens on my brow area too! So far so good!
Next in the set is the Shine Fix. I am always willing to try any product that promises to help me out when it comes to my oil slick t-zone. The product claims to not only mop up shine but also regulates oil production, sounds good to me! I tried this on my troublesome t-zone area and even after a few hours my skin stayed shine free. The texture is a light gel and glides effortlessly onto skin. I also like the fact that it doesn't leave my skin with a white film like so many other products have. Previous attempts at matt skin have left me looking like I got into a fight with a tin of talc and lost! I like this product as it does what it says and has helped to give me shine free skin for that little bit longer! Whoop!
The third product in the set is the strangely named Lip + Nip fix. I cant say I have ever required a specialist cream that will moisturise both my lips and nips but there is a first for everything! Whilst I haven't tried the nip part as I think that part is odd, as a lip balm this stuff is ace! It is very similar to Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream in both its texture and scent, no points for guessing where Nip + Fab got their inspiration for this product then! The thick textured cream not only provides an instant moisture hit but also stays on for hours and hours so no need to re apply! That's grand that is! It is also useful for any pesky dry patches that crop up on places other than the lip + nip area and for that reason it has to be declared as a man bag/hand bag hero!
Last up in this face saving quad is the Spot fix. As you can guess its a spot gel. I haven't tried this product yet as I'm lucky enough not to be sporting any spots at the moment, but now I've said that I most probably will wake up tomorrow with one glaring at me in the mirror! Be warned spots I'm armed and fabulous with a new Nip + Fab fix!
So if your needing a little skin pick me up this weekend these little treats come highly recommended by me! You can now not only find Nip + Fab goodies in Boots stores but also in Tesco, Sainsburys and superdrug! Its great to see a nice mid range product line branching out especially into little old superdrug because superdrug is really cute, love you superdrug! Have a fantastic weekend everyone and don't forget to stay fabulous!
Before I go don't forget to leave some lovely little comments below, to do so you just need to select to comment as anonymous in the drop down box and feel free to leave a name so we know who you are! All feedback is welcome, good or bad, this isn't just my blog you know, its here for all you guys too! Get those comments flowing and Iblog to you all soon!
Ian x
Im getting the shine fix prontooo!! Love jayde xxx
ReplyDeleteOhh yeah ots great! On the nip + fab website the shine fix is on offer for £4.95 but you can get the scrub, wash, spot fix and shine fix for £9.95 and save £30!!! bargains!x