Anyway there's the scenario that left me desperate to find a suitable fake tan for my skin! I found the Rimmel product online and read up about it. Sounds fabulous! I picked it up in superdrug for £4.99 discounted from £7.99. Fair price I thought. I opted for the light colour as I say I am pale and just want to warm my complexion up a bit. The product has a few features that it's states which are....... It develops in one hour and lasts up to seven days, light weight velvety mousse, dries within 2 minuets, up to 24 hour moisture, natural looking streak free tan, no self tan smell! Quite a lot for a £5 bottle of tan! So I applied this in a rather random way. I had the idea of using my stippling brush to apply this to my face so I could give it a super good blend on my face. I used a piece of card as a pallette and mixed a pump of the mousse with a drop of face serum. It blended so nicely and evenly on my face and neck. It didn't dry too quickly so gave enough time to evenly spread the product. The guide colour was fab, it was a lovely golden colour and looked very natural, it also didn't clag up and was not sticky at all! As for the one hour development I would sort of agree. I didn't time it exactly but I saw my face gain colour quite quickly. I had left this on for around three hours before washing it off in the shower tonight. The colour left behind is lighter of course due to the guide colour washing off. I'm left with a nice hint of colour. It would probably be a little darker if I had of used this product near and also maybe left it on longer.
All in all I'm happy with this. Rimmel have done well here I feel, probably due to their success with the sun shimmer range as a whole. I will do an update of this product when I've given it a go near on my arms legs and face! Don't worry the update will be a lot shorter! Thanks for reading, I'm glad to be back! Any requests of reviews or topics you would like me to cover then comment below! Blog soon, Ian x